Ruth Bader Ginsburg office wall

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Elementary is home to Vancouver Public Schools’ first fully dual-language Spanish/English choice school and boasts a culturally rich environment.

Ginsburg students making cards

What are the benefits for your child becoming bilingual, biliterate and bicultural?

  • Speaking more than one language improves problem-solving skills and creativity

  • Being bilingual makes you more flexible and adaptable thinker

  • People who speak multiple languages can more easily multi-task

  • Children in dual language programs tend to have better overall academic performance

  • Becoming bicultural helps children better understand and navigate multiple perspectives at once – leading them to become better mediators and problem solvers

  • Adults who can speak more than one language have more job opportunities and typically get paid more

  • It is much easier to learn a second language when you are young

Ginsburg students coloring!

Who can apply?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one of our first two elementary choice schools with no “neighborhood school” boundaries. Interested incoming kindergarten students across the district are encouraged to apply. 

Transportation will be provided for students who live in the VPS district.

How do I apply?

Attend a parent session

Attend a parent information session for the program that your child is interested in.

Parent information sessions will begin in March and go through mid-May.

This is an opportunity for parents to learn about the school.

The presentation will be in Spanish and English.


Families must complete and submit an online application for their incoming kindergartener.

Applications open on February 4, 2025.

Applications are due by May 12, 2025.

What is the selection process and timeline?

Students who have applied for the RBG Spanish/English Dual-Language school of choice will begin getting notified by May 16, 2025, and will be required to accept or decline by May 23, 2025.

Selection Process

RBG uses a blind lottery system for student acceptance.

Related to this lottery, the Vancouver Public Schools board approved a new equity-based selection policy for choice schools and programs of choice during their Feb. 14, 2023 meeting. The rationale for the policy change states:  “The district’s magnet program policy and procedure are revised to reflect the board’s goal of providing enrichment and equity in choice schools and programs for all students.”

Based on this, the selection process for all programs of choice, secondary and elementary, will allot a designated number of openings based on the student’s neighborhood school’s population size and factors of that school community. This selection process is an effort to assure the enrollment within programs of choice mirror those of the district.

Dates to know

Contact us

Sarah Flynn
Principal, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Elementary School
